
Cedron - Nature 2000 area

32-050 Wola Radziszowska
The area encompasses the valle of the Cedron stream in Wola Radziszowska, the Skawina Municipality (Kraków Poviat) and in the Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Municipality (Wadowice Poviat).
It is a valley of a submontane river, with a natural meandering bed and a river terrace, some 100-200 m wide. The gravel bottom of the stream is built from Carpathian flysch. Narrow bands of riparian brushwood and trees stretch along the banks. The terrace is covered by wetland and fresh meadows. It is one of the few places in the Małopolska Region where you can see Unio crassus (thick shelled river mussel). It is the largest population (the highest density stated) of thick shelled river mussel in the entire region.

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